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What You Should Know Before Hiring a Social Media Virtual Assistant

Do you have a virtual assistant to help manage your business? If so, you might want to consider expanding their duties to include social media work. Virtual assistants can assist with almost any job that does not require face-to-face interaction. A virtual assistant can also help with tasks related to your company’s social media presence. You can assign them responsibilities such as searching for new followers and monitoring the performance of your company’s social accounts. However, working with a virtual assistant on a daily basis requires some adjustments in how you function and what tasks you delegate. Here are some things you should know before hiring a social media virtual assistant.

How a Virtual Assistant Can Help with Your Business’s Social Media Presence

Social media is an important part of a business’s online presence. Your company’s social accounts are a way to engage with your customers, answer questions, and provide information that is helpful for your consumers. However, maintaining your company’s social accounts can be time consuming, especially if you’re already working on other projects. Using a social media virtual assistant can help you save time and manage your company’s social media accounts more efficiently. Virtual assistants can help you with a variety of social media management tasks, such as posting to your company’s pages, responding to comments, and finding new audiences to follow your social accounts. A social media virtual assistant can also help you analyze your followers and related metrics. For example, they can review metrics such as the number of times your posts were clicked on, how many times they were shared, and the number of times your company was mentioned. This information can help you decide which posts are performing best, which ones need to be re-posted, and which ones need to be deleted or rewritten.

Decide Which Channels You Want to Monitor

One of the first tasks that you need to decide on when hiring a virtual assistant is which channels you want them to monitor. You can have your VA track metrics for your company’s main social accounts or select specific campaigns or posts. For example, if you have a specific post or campaign that you want to be successful, you can have your VA track the metrics for that post. You can also have your VA track metrics for your company’s social accounts as a whole. It is important to decide which channels you want to monitor and make that information available to your VA because they will need to know the metrics you want them to track.

Virtual Assistants are Great at Research and Data Collection

One of the main reasons to hire a social media virtual assistant is to save time. Virtual assistants are great at research and data collection tasks that are necessary to manage your company’s social media accounts. For example, you can have your VA find new audiences to follow your company on social media. This includes researching possible accounts to follow and checking their metrics to decide if they are a good fit for your business. You can also have your VA research your followers. You can have them review metrics such as the number of times a post was shared, the number of times a post was clicked on, and the number of times the company was mentioned. This information can help you decide which posts to re-post, which posts to delete, and which posts need to be rewritten.

When Working With a VA, Be Clear About What Tasks You Want Done

One of the most important things to remember when working with a social media virtual assistant is to be clear about the tasks you want done. This is important both at the outset of the relationship and on a daily basis. Have a list of tasks written down that you want your VA to do. Include both recurring and one-time tasks. Make sure that the tasks are specific and detailed enough that your VA knows exactly what to do. You can even assign different tasks to different VAs if you decide to hire more than one. This will help you stay organized and make sure that each VA is focusing on the tasks that are most important to your business.

Check References and Test Out Different VAs Before Hiring One

Another important aspect of working with a social media virtual assistant is checking references. Make sure you visit the websites of references that you are considering hiring. This will give you a good idea of the quality of their work. You can also ask references if they would be willing to give you a short list of tasks to assign, which will give you a better idea of how they work and what their work is like. Another way to test out different VAs is to assign a few different tasks and see how they go. You can do this with a few different VAs to see who works best with your company and who you get along with best.

Wrapping Up

Hiring a social media virtual assistant can help you save time, manage your company’s social media accounts more efficiently, and engage with your customers in new ways. Before hiring a virtual assistant, make sure you decide which channels you want to monitor, write down tasks that need to be completed, and check references. After hiring a VA, make sure you are clear about what tasks you want done and provide feedback and instructions for each task.



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